Battle Born R.A.P.
Reindeer Adoption Program  



The Reindeer Adoption Program was set up to help finance "THE ULTIMATE COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT PROJECT!!

[Download Willow Reindeer Adoption Flyer]

While involving private and public lands , state entities,  commercial and small businesses, and the key --our children within all the schools (all populations) involved in the same program…... the nation's largest art project, one which brings the creativity and excitement of thousands of our children, to reality.

Point blank-- this is a small group of people with some sticks, screws and a lot of love--we see an opportunity (grassroots you'd say) to enhance this program, while setting up much needed financing.

By adopting a willow reindeer, you will stand side-by-side with the children of Nevada in covering  HWY 395 (northern Nevada). Your hand crafted sculpture will light up with decorative lights and adorn the sides of the road.